NTLK VoiceNotes Registration Problem

From: Paul Zenk (pzenk@macol.net)
Date: Sun Jun 25 2000 - 12:40:40 CDT

I recently purchased Voice Notes after the discussion on the list. I sent in my Newton serial number and received a code back from them. When I typed the code in the registration slip
and tap register, nothing happens. I send an email to support and they checked the newton serial number with their code generator and it worked fine.

1) Has anyone sucessfully registered Voice Notes (I'm sure many people have.) What should happen if it accepts the code? Usually you get a thanks for registering screen.

2) Any ideas? Since the code is generated from the serial number, the typical "retype your name in the owner card won't work here.

3) My voice notes has not expired, and I can't load another demo version to put in a code to see if it works.

I have contacted, support but answers have not been coming.

Thanks for your help.
Paul Zenk

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