Re: NTLK TTS Script for MacIntalk: Daisy

From: Josh Burker (
Date: Fri Jun 23 2000 - 16:52:17 CDT writes:
>By request:
>Note: you must have MacIntalk and Text to Speech installed to use this.

Brilliant. Thanks.

If anybody out there still has a nice old 68k Mac (i.e. 512k ->
IIsomething?), I have some early MacinTalk software. There are four
pieces, but the best is Speech Tutor. You can type something in English
Text (there aren't any other Speech modules available- this software is
from 1985 mind you) and the Mac will speak the text for you AND translate
it to phonetic text, which is extremely handy for getting those extra
tough speech patterns to sound correct. For instance, the phrase "This is
a test" translates phonetically as "DHIHS IHZ AH TEH1ST". One could (if
one had enough free time on one's hands) enter into Speech Tutor a poem,
speech, or manifesto, have it translated to phonetic text, send it to
one's Newton, and have the Newton do the speaking for you.

The whole folder (which includes other early MacinTalk apps) is 123k. I
can email it to you as a Self-extracting Archive.

This software runs beautifully on my Mac Classic with 4mb RAM, running OS
7.1. I've also run it on my Mac Plus running System 6. It won't run
correctly on my PPC8600 running OS 9 (duh!?).

Have a great weekend, everybody.

Josh Burker

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