NTLK *NEW* Memphis, TN Newton Users Group

From: Chris Browder (jb1463@earthlink.net)
Date: Thu Jun 22 2000 - 18:15:46 CDT

Hello all,
I am pleased to announce that there will soon be a Newton Users Group in
Memphis, TN! Me and several friends/acquantiances are going to start a
users group. We have several dervices spanning from a 110 to a 2100... no
eMates as of yet, however. If any of you live in the Memphis area and
would like more information drop me a line. It is quite informal now...
no fees or anything... just come and talk about this wonderful machine...
show off what we do with them, etc. Just thought I'd let you know that
the Machine is still alive in Memphis!

- Chris B.

"I have arrived. And this time, you should believe the Hype." - NiN

       A supporter of...
    \\ /,
  `( Newton Technology

     --------> AOL/AIM Name: JB1463 <--------
     --------> ICQ#: 50117402 <--------
     --------> Web Site: http://home.earthlink.net/~jb1463 <--------
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