NTLK Repository for NewtonOS bugs

From: Paul Guyot (pguyot@pnm-consulting.com)
Date: Sun Jun 18 2000 - 11:53:50 CDT

Just a thought,

there should be a place to index all bugs we find in the NewtonOS
ROM. Greg, when I announced the system update which fixed the Date
Find bug, you said that this bug was never reported. Is there any
official way with Apple to report Newton related bugs?
(oh, why do I think about that, Apple doesn't care about Newton anyway ;-)

And you fellow Newton users, what do you think about such a
repository? This would allow you to submit lists of bugs, with a
maximum description, so that I could try to fix them with system
updates. I only declared into the FAQ bugs I know about, most of them
because of some form of announcement. I tried to fix the Date FInd
bug and the NewtWorks find bug, but there are many more to fix
(including the very nasty -10061, the recently discovered NIE bug)
etc. Today, to find about those, one should either look into the FAQ
or search the NTLK archives.

Just because I have found the ATA ROM driver bug and I could document
it if anyone is interested.

Best regards,


P&M Consulting Newton Program
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