Re: NTLK Stylus?

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Wed Jun 14 2000 - 14:40:39 CDT

"Hutcherson, Ron" wrote:

> I'm seriously considering buying a MP120 (OS 2), but it has no stylus. What
> can be used for the stylus? I found a few MP 2000 stylii--will they do.
> Forgive by ignorance, but I wouldn't want to damage the screen of my new
> Newton. Does anybody make replacements, anymore?

If you need the stylus to fit the Newton's integrated pen holder, then you must find the original MP110, 120 or 130 retracting pen. You might want to check on eBay, as I have seen many
for auction there. If your primary concern is a good pen, then I would recommend a PDA Panache or a Cross DigitalWriter (which has one of the best stylus tip, IMHO). Other than that,
any PDA's stylus will do, including the 2000 one, or the eMates ones you can buy cheap from SmallDog.

Laurent Daudelin
Developer, Adaptive Infrastructure, CIS Fannie Mae
Phone: 703-833-4266
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