Re: NTLK works weirdness and other stuff

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Mon Jun 12 2000 - 09:59:57 CDT

Paul Lim wrote:

> I jsut installed timetrax and dashboard, and afterward NewtWorks and
> Director came up with errors loading up.
> "An error occurred activating the package "<seebelow>". It may nor work
> with this system. Contact the software publisher for further information.
> (Part 0/1, Type Auto)"
> packages:
> newtWorks (version 1)
> Works Better:SAS
> Director:NSBASIC
> Works Calculations:Apple
> Has anybodyelse experienced these errors? Are there upgrades I'm not aware of?
> any help would be much appreciated
> paul

Make sure that WorksBetter loads the last. Whenever I'm trying a new package while WorksBetter is active, I get this error message and the new package won't activate. I then have to
freeze WB, the do a soft reset to have the new package to activate. I did email Standalone a few times about this, but they never fixed it. Usually, it's not a problem since with this
name, WorksBetter loads the last. But, sometimes another package, like Works Calculation will load last, and then you have this problem. Or, if WB is on the internal store, then you
would get the error for any package activated from an external Flash RAM card. So, most of the time, I keep WB frozen and thawed it only when I need it.

Laurent Daudelin
Developer, Adaptive Infrastructure, CIS Fannie Mae
Phone: 703-833-4266
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