Re: NTLK Mac Fonts

From: J. van de Griek (
Date: Mon Jun 12 2000 - 03:37:54 CDT

on 12-06-2000 08:42, Paul Guyot wrote:

>> Is there any place I can get a copy of the Apple Garamond
>> (AGaramond) or any other common Macintosh fonts without having a
>> copy of Mac OS?
> I'll say that this is not illegal to get 7.5.3 on the FTP, install
> it, extract the fonts, and voilą.

Apple Garamond does not come with the Mac OS. It is Apple's corporate
typeface, and is for internal use only. It is out there, however, because it
is sometimes distributed electronically to Apple Service Providers, but
there are (very) strict guidelines pertaining to its use. If you are not an
Apple Service Provider, owning it is illegal. If you want to use it legally,
use Garamond Narrow, it's the closest you'll get. Garamond can be bought
from Adobe.


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