NTLK Mac Fonts

From: Victor Rehorst (chuma@chuma.org)
Date: Sun Jun 11 2000 - 21:02:03 CDT

This is off-topic, but I just need to pick the brains of some Mac users for a second.

Is there any place I can get a copy of the Apple Garamond (AGaramond) or any other common Macintosh fonts without having a copy of Mac OS?

Victor Rehorst - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
victor@eddie.cis.uoguelph.ca - chuma@chuma.org - vrehorst@newted.dyndns.org
Sent from a Newton Messagepad 2100 with SimpleMail 4.0
Victor Rehorst - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
victor@eddie.cis.uoguelph.ca - chuma@chuma.org - vrehorst@newted.dyndns.org
Sent from a Newton Messagepad 2100 with SimpleMail 4.0
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