NTLK Repeating Repeating 2 Dos

From: Larry R. Chan (eroadies@mindspring.com)
Date: Thu Jun 08 2000 - 11:44:50 CDT

THANKS Issac for the idea; I have tried it and it seems to be working for
some entries, however for a couple when I try this and attempt to choose
delete, I get error -48205 which I think is "Index out of bounds (string or

Anyone with an idea of how to delete these Repeating 2Dos?



From: Isaac Tüftler [mailto:mp-tueftler@gmx.net]
Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2000 8:52 AM
To: newtontalk@planetnewton.com
Cc: eroadies@mindspring.com
Subject: Re: NTLK Repeating Repeating 2 Dos

Highlite text of the rep2Do
tap Search
Slip with the marked text should appear
tap search
a List with all dates/2dos containing the text should appear
mark the unwanted items, especially the 1st one
tap action
choose delete

Greetings from Germany

-----Original Message-----
From: Larry R. Chan [mailto:eroadies@mindspring.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2000 3:06 PM
To: newtontalk@planetnewton.com
Subject: Repeating Repeating 2 Dos

This list is a testimony to an excellent product; I look forward to picking
tips and leads everyday from my digest of this list.

Now I have a continuing problem on my 2100.
Certain repeating 2 Dos continue to appear daily even though their original
span has long ended. I have tried to delete them, check them off, etc. but
they still appear daily.
I have tried soft resets, some utilities (SBM, Date Checker) but no change.
Not all repeating
2 Dos take this route.

Any ideas outside of a hard reset and reload of everything?

Thanks in advance everyone.

Larry Chan
So glad I resisted the Palm Bandwagon

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