NTLK NewtsCape user interface (was WANTED: WebXpress)

From: Steve Vander Ark (vderark@bccs.org)
Date: Wed Jun 07 2000 - 21:53:40 CDT

> I just downloaded Newts Cape so I'll give that a try. User interface
> seems a little daunting at first glance.

I am a registered NewtsCape user and I agree...there is quite a learning
curve at first. The user interface isn't particularly intuitive, and since
the program does more than simply browse web pages, there are scads of
options and settings that are very confusing for someone like me. Hey, I
just want to browse the web, and I want things to appear on my screen pretty
much the way they'd appear on my laptop screen. I have finally, through a
process of trial and error and with a careful reading of the help documents
(especially Peter Rand's book) managed to get things more or less working
the way I want them to. And...now that I have things set up, it's a delight
to use. I can access what I need to access and even surf a little now and
then, which is pretty impressive on a hand-held computer. And Steve just
keeps upgrading and bug-fixing and adding cool features, which is so nice to
see from a developer these days. In my opinion, it's well worth the time and
effort to learn how to use NewtsCape.

Steve Vander Ark
Library Media Specialist
Byron Center Christian School
Byron Center, Michigan

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