Re: NTLK Memory card error -10606

From: Brian McEwen (
Date: Thu Jun 01 2000 - 21:09:36 CDT

>Brian also has such an error (object not found) with the card.
>To be honest, yes, I am scared that you will need to erase it.
>But what happens next, could you use it once erased?

I hope her experience is different, but:

I've erased my several times on the Win95 laptop, also on the Newt, erasing
on the laptop and MP always goes fine, but using it on the MP fails once I
try and installl packages. I just found the (hopefully) right util to
format Intel cards on the laptop (the util I have used previously does a
diagnostic and erases the card, but does not format it for Windows).
Unfortunately it will be a day or so before I have a chance to try the new
Win95 util out, though.

I'm still hoping that I can reset some bit on the card using a different
platform and the Newt will be again able to use it- I thought a couple
people had posted this "fix" off and on, on the list. Nothing "bad"
happened to my card, it was in my MP120, worked one week, a week later, it
was unrecognizeable. At this point, I'm not optimistic. At least mine is
only a 4 meg card- I waas thinking about getting a larger size, but after
having this one go bad for no apparant reason, I'm likely to stick to 4 or
6 megs in the future, also.


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